Fleurs d'Ici, first ethical flowers’s brand, 100% local and seasonal
Fleurs d'Ici reduces the carbon footprint of the floral industry by 90% by promoting seasonal and local flowers, in a world where 9 out of 10 flowers are imported.
Help us support local agriculture and receive a free bouquet at home
Help us get in touch with the person in charge of amenities in your workplace, we will be happy to thank you with a bouquet when she/he makes his first order
Why support Fleurs d'Ici ?
Our flowers are picked 48h before delivery by a local producer and guarantee ultra-fresh and long-lasting bouquets.
Our flowers are naturally sustainable, as they follow the rhythm of seasons. They are grown by local farmers, according to sustainable principles (cold greenhouses or outdoor fields, no pesticides, etc)
Local economy
Grown by local flower farmers, assembled by local independent first class florists, our flowers help support local ecosystems.
Working outside France ? unfortunately, we are not (yet!) operating abroad. But if you are interested in following our development, let us know here :
Pourquoi s'engager avec Fleurs d'Ici ?
Profiter de fleurs fraîches
Nos fleurs sont cueillies la veille de la livraison par un producteur local et garantissent des bouquets ultra-frais et durables.
Réduire son empreinte carbone
En proposant un modèle en circuit court, Fleurs d'Ici réduit par 30 l'impact CO2 de votre bouquet ou votre plante et vous aide à réduire l'impact carbone de votre entreprise
Soutenir l'économie locale
Cultivées par de petits horticulteurs locaux, travaillées par un artisan-fleuriste local d'excellence, nos fleurs et plantes sont responsables et soutiennent l'économie locale